
Recognising the Fractal Nature of Our Wondrous World Our world is not the linear world of euclidian geometry and the Western idea of PROGRESS as a linear pathway through time.  Our world is a complex system of fractals. A fractal is a never-ending pattern. Fractals...

Creatives for Regenerative Living

Blue Mountains Creative Arts Network—Open Day As part of our commitment to connecting creatives across the Greater Blue Mountains, we are holding our 2022 Open Day on Saturday 30 April at the Gallery H complex at Dargan on the northern side of the Blue Mountains...

Ceremony and Indigenous Art – Hetti Perkins

NGA Fourth Indigenous Art Triennial: Ceremony—open till July 31 2022   We all know how important the arts—whether in film, music, performance or the visual arts—have been in helping non-Indigeneous Australians understand the depth and breadth of Australia’s...

Challenging the Old Story

Perspectives This morning I met with a local political leader who has been active in the Labor Party for some time. As we sat talking about the need for better organisational infrastructure for the Blue Mountains arts and culture sector, so that as part of Civil...

Artistic Activism in Turbulent Times

What is the role of artist activism in an increasingly anxious and polarised society in the face of global warming, pandemics and increasing income/wealth inequality and insecurity? What has inspired art-making through the centuries from the markings on cave walls and...