The Ecology of Revelation

Insights from Tibetan Buddhism The Buddhist scholar, Antonio Terrone (JSRNC 8.4 (2014) pp. 460-482), has explored how the Tibetan Buddhist terma (treasure) tradition of revealed teachings is based on forming an interdependent exchange between humans and the land they...

Lessons from Deep Time Mythic Thinking

The Serpent Gurrangatch and the Hunter Mirragan  The following post is based on a talk that Bhikkhu Sujato gave at “New Horizons in Buddhism”, the 16th Sakyadhita International Conference on Buddhist Women, held at Leura in the Blue Mountains in June 2019. Global...

Singing up a Revolution in Consciousness

Weaving the New Story Many of us realise that the new story about Australia as a global renewable energy superpower is just a continuation of the extractivist ideology of global capitalism that has led to our current climate and environmental crisis. Because it is not...