Waste Art Workshops
Janelle will lead five community art workshops whereby participants will explore multiple ways to engage with this important issue in a creative and fun way, transforming a problem area with associated feelings of guilt and anxiety, into one of creative solutions , thus contributing to building a more resilient community of connectedness to one another This Site, and to our natural world.
As a member of Resilience Blue Mountains, Janelle seeks to aligns with the work of Blue Mountains City Council to engage the community in envisioning our future based on the theme of ‘resilience’ in terms of our relationship with one another in our neighbourhoods, with our natural environment, and with the Darug and Gundungurra people who are the traditional ‘owners’ of the Blue Mountains.
During the workshops, participants will explore:
- What role does waste play in our lives and community?
- Waste and how to better ‘care for Country’
- Creating artworks using recovered or gathered waste materials
- Discussing the meaning of the artwork created.
The Exhibition—Re-Imagine
Janelle will select the best of the artworks created to feature in an art exhibition that will be exhibited online on the BMCAN website, and possibly, with COVID regulations permitting, will be featured as a live exhibition at the BMCAN gallery space at The Edge Cinema in Katoomba later in the year.
The ‘People’s Choice’ award from the art exhibition will also have the opportunity for their artwork to be featured as a bin sticker for local wheelie-bins—to be offered to local schools and community organisations to raise awareness about waste management.
1st Re-Imagine Waste to Art Project Workshops
Blackheath Presbyterian Church
2nd Re-Imagine Waste to Art Project Workshop
Mid Mountains Community Centre Joy Anderson Room 7 New Street Lawson

Matilda Fogler and her ‘Regeneration Duck’

Janelle Randall-Court interviewing artist Tim K Jones
Janelle Randall-Court Sums up the 3rd workshop.