The Compassionate Mind
To think that the compassionate mind, the fully compassionate mind can effect healing to all sentient beings in ceaseless space is an idea beyond intellect.
To realise that by practising the fully compassionate nature of mind, that natural nature of mind we come into this world with (yet it is hidden within the dualising conceptual mind), to realise that such unsurpassable compassionate practise benefits uncountable beings, is astonishing.
To attain the fully compassionate nature of mind, is something every being has the potential to do.
To see, meet or converse with such a ‘realised’ one moving through this planet is a privilege beyond explanation.
To see meet, hear or converse with such a one, is the technical physical description of the term ‘blessing’. One could not be more fortunate than this, since immediately the seed awakens, the blessings water the seed and primordial mind stirs. In a vital sign, the subtle wind of memory brushes against the stirring seed and one’s journey toward the heart of the matter. The pith inner imprint begins to arise, and one is on the trail, one has entered ‘The Way’. . . even though one may not know. . . one is warming to the outrageous, stupendous, impossibly fantastic notion of our becoming a being of a different ethereal fabric without description via one’s wisdom and compassion marrying one’s own awareness.
If my tears, if only that
Could bathe all the harm done
Of all those who have, are or will suffer
If only my voice, if only that
Could caress away all the hurt done
Of all those who have, are or will suffer
If only my jokes, if only that
Could forgive all the wounds inflicted
Of all of those who have, are or will suffer
If only my thoughts, if only that
Could soothe the tattered minds
Of all of us who have, are or will suffer
If only my every action, if all of that
Could enlighten all living beings
Then I could suffer my suffering with pure clarity
There is no choice
One must
Dance and fall: laugh and cry
Love, be loved and left: joy and tears
Frolic and stumble: swan and fly
Link and be alone
Not yesterday nor tomorrow
All of the above and below
One day rich, another not
Cry and hold
Bejewel and bedeck
One must
Tiptoe and thump: spin and sprawl
Fall down: get up
Yell and shout
Hold on: let go
Slinky and saucy
Lippy and laugh
Blunder and brilliant
Not before or after
One must
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