Catchy Reflections in the Dappled Light

Argentina Mon Amour She had come in innocent curiosity, a description which suited her nature too. In Buenos Aires. I also captured by that land had discovered this one surprisingly in the sultry, old back waters of La Boca, in amongst the taverns and brothels of the...

Relationism & the Circular NFP Economy

DeGrowth Week Webinars Yesterday 10 July, I tuned into the DeGrowth Week of webinars being offered by NENA (National Economy Network Australia) and caught up with Donnie Maclourcan, an Australian with links to UTS who is now based in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and who...

A Memorable Encounter in the Snow

The day I fell asleep driving, and ‘died’ – Stuart B Hill, 7 July 2022 As I wake up in our unheated bedroom, which I had painted Wedgewood blue and cream, I’m remembering that I had said YES to the request from my smart (and attractive) past student to give a talk...